Posts Tagged ‘iPad’

My goal each year is to read 20 books. For the third consecutive year I have exceeded this goal. I keep a list and find it interesting to look back occasionally and review all the different topics I have read about. After years and years of reading almost no fiction, I decided to include more […]

Things I like


My wife has often accused me of being too negative, of being a complainer and a griper.  So, I looked over my posts from the last year or so and, at the risk of being called negative again, I disagree. I think that characterization is wrong. Sure, I’ve had my posts that were basically gripes, […]

With the 10th anniversary of 9/11 looming, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what life was like pre-9/11. Technology so dominates and shapes our lives now, I have been trying to remember what the technological landscape looked like in 2001. So, I did some research. At the start of the decade, about half […]